Robinson OT - Ergonomics & OHS
Jenny is experienced in consulting and training in ergonomics and manual handling.
Office Ergonomics
Have you ever been trained to adjust your chair properly?
- Are you comfortable sitting at your desk all day?
- Are your employees experiencing pain in their necks, shoulders or back?
- Are you concerned that you are not meeting your obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act?
If you answered yes to any of these, training in using a workstation correctly is what you and your staff need.
Many computer users experience pain related to their work. Some people spend lots of money seeking treatment to relieve the pain. But wouldn’t it be better to not get pain to start with? A lot of this pain is caused by the lack of training in how to adjust a workstation properly.
In about 20 minutes at their workstation, Jenny is able to show your employees how to:
- correctly adjust their chair,
- position their keyboard, screen and mouse,
- place other work so that it is within reach, and
- generally keep comfortable through the working day.
Alternatively training services can be provided in a seminar format which is popular with many companies. Jenny has a seminar designed to last one hour which provides information on how to care for ourselves at work. Topics covered in the seminar include the role of posture, use of furniture and equipment and exercises for staying comfortable at work. This seminar can be tailored to your individual requirements.
Manual Handling
Jenny can provide training in manual handling. Ask Jenny about her experience.
Jenny would be very happy to discuss further with you services she can offer your company.